The court-ordered Parenting Conference provides a brief, non-evaluative review which can result in an agreement between the parties and/or a useful summary of important issues and considerations for the court. Providers are selected on a rotating basis from a list of vendors approved by Court Services. When the Court orders a Parenting Conference, the provider will contact the parents, give them the appropriate forms to complete, and schedule the meeting. The appointed provider will interview the parents to determine areas of agreement about the Parenting Plan, and may offer suggestions for resolving conflicts. Often the children are interviewed as well. Typically, the Conference takes only a few hours, and is often concluded in one day. When possible, the parties sign a “Full Agreement” or “Partial Agreement” about the Parenting Plan, which is forwarded to the Court for consideration in advance of a scheduled hearing. The provider also prepares a summary of the session for the Court. The Parenting Conference is especially useful when the parties have limited means, and in case of hardship can be conducted at a reduced cost, as determined by the Court.