Dr. Mirkin received her doctorate from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology at Los Angles and is a licensed psychologist with Clinical and Forensic Specialties. She provides comprehensive psychological testing to clients with a variety of mental health concerns (social/emotional, behavioral, personality, trauma, depression, anxiety, etc.), assessment for emotional support animals, and diagnostic assessment to include IQ and academic testing to assist with IEP/504 management. Additionally, she specializes in individual therapy for adolescents and adults with concerns including psycho-education and management of psychiatric disorders, career counseling, couples counseling, parental alienation, and trauma, among other referral concerns. Forensic services include mental health evaluations/treatment as Court Ordered from the Superior Court of Arizona/Family Court as Dr. Mirkin is a provider listed on the Court Behavioral Health Roster. Psychological testing plays a vital role in divorce cases to assess parenting capability and whether a parent’s mental state poses a risk to a child’s safety. A thorough assessment includes clinical interviews, the latest psychological tests and equipment to assure you an accurate diagnosis. You will receive a high-quality, scientifically informed evaluation, a comprehensive report, feedback, and recommendations. If you are recommended, requested, or court ordered to undergo testing, contact me for a consultation.
Dr. Mirkin can be reached directly at drmirkin.psyd@gmail.com.