Intensive Family Transformation (IFT)

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In the traditional Intervention process, there are often short-comings that inhibit successful treatment, which can include:

  • Difficulty collaborating among multiple involved therapists
  • Time lapse between sessions can place further strain on the parent-child relationship and allow for more opportunities for a discouraging parent to sabotage progress
  • Difficulty scheduling with all parties and establishing consistency
  • The Interventionist may function in multiple and often conflicting roles

FCE’s Intensive Family Transformation process is a shortened, 1-2 week program, designed to reunify or repair strained parent-child relationships. The IFT is set-up to prevent or reduce the issues that often hinder the traditional Intervention process.

Why the Intensive Family Transformation?

1.  More effective collaboration between therapists:

In the IFT, a team of FCE therapists are appointed to work with family members to ensure successful treatment. This allows for immediate collaboration and coordination of care to work towards treatment goals. Due to the high- conflict nature of most interventions, families benefit from having multiple forensically- informed therapists working closely together. The provider team is made up of various levels of experienced professionals, allowing for a dynamic and cost-effective team to increase the likelihood of success.

2.  Therapists have distinct roles:

In the IFT, each therapist on the treatment team is designated to work in a particular role. A treatment team may include a child therapist, co-parenting therapist, family therapist and individual therapists for Mother and Father. Having multiple therapists eliminates the conflicting roles that often inhibit an Intervention. Therapists work together, in office, to meet the treatment goals.

3.  Child has an advocate:

By designating an individual therapist for the child, the child has greater comfort level, support and therefore, more trust in the process.

4.  Efficient and Comprehensive:

With the IFT, the intense, shortened process allows for deeper issues to be reached quicker. Families benefit from not being in a court-ordered process for months or years at a time. The process includes a detailed report at its conclusion, which includes discussion of the treatment process, treatment goals for individual family members, and recommendations for future treatment to progress and long-term family stability. This information can be used by the Court to assist in parenting time recommendations and legal decision-making. While the report does not make these recommendations, the report describes the family dynamics, including co-parenting and parent-child relationship; a report that will assist the Court with making these decisions. In addition, the cost for the program is generally less than the cost of long-term weekly therapy.

5.  Moves resistant clients:

The collaboration of multiple therapists working towards the same goals can increase the chance of success with even the most resistant clients.

6.  Stabilization:

A typical high-conflict family is often so destabilized, that assessing and creating appropriate recommendations can be difficult. The IFT focuses on stabilizing the family system so that the necessary changes that will promote healthy relationships can begin. If the family is in the midst of a court evaluation, this type of stabilization can allow the evaluator to see a clearer picture of the family dynamics and recommendations can be made with therapeutic progress already started.

For questions or information about the Intensive Family Transformation program, contact us:

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